Para familias monoparentales, con un adulto y hasta 2 niños. Hasta un 15% de descuento en tarifa de niños. Descuento no acumulable a otras ofertas y/o promociones, excepto descuento MSC Voyagers Club.Se recomienda llevar Autorización legal para que menores de edad viajen sin la presencia de uno de los padres/tutor legal.
Para quienes viajen solos, un camarote de uso individual. Se aplicará un suplemento no inferior al 80%, según disponibilidad, a la tarifa de crucero. Esta promoción está sujeta a disponibilidad muy limitada, sujeta a disponibilidad y bajo petición en el momento de la reserva, se aplican a la tarifa general y no son válidas en camarotes familiares, MSC Grand Voyages, salidas de Voyages Exclusives y MSC World Cruise.
Para pasajeros menroes de 29 años y en camarote doble, con descuentos de hasta el 15%. No aplicable a otras promociones, excepto descuento MSC Voyagers Club. Válido en todas las temporadas, y sujeto a disponibilidad, y sólo si se solicita en el momento en el que se realiza la reserva.
Los menores de 12 años que se alojen en un camarote con 2 adultos viajan GRATIS* Los niños de 12 a 17 años que se alojen en un camarote con dos adultos viajan GRATIS* en temporada baja y media, y pagan una tarifa especial en temporada alta. (*) Excepto las tasas portuarias, la cuota de servicio, el seguro, los vuelos y los traslados (donde sean requeridos). Oferta sujeta a disponibilidad y que debe confirmarse en el momento de efectuar la reserva.
Un auténtico yate de lujo a bordo de un crucero, un concepto único que ofrece privacidad y exclusividad. Disfruta del lujo de un club privado y, a la vez, de una amplia gama de instalaciones de ocio y entretenimiento en las zonas comunes del barco. Mayordomo 24h, Check-in y check-out prioritarios, Room service 24h, Acceso gratuito a la Suite Termal del MSC Aurea SPA, Bebidas Premium Extra, Conserje dedicado 24h, Paquete Internet, Amenities de relajación, Zona exclusiva con piscina, jacuzzi, solárium, bar...
¡Descuentos para tu Luna de Miel! 5% si viajes en camarote interior, vista mar/parcial y 10% si tu camarote es con balcón, suite o MSC Yacht Club. Esta promoción no es combinable con otras ofertas y está sujeta a disponibilidad. Obligatorio certificado de matrimonio
Descuento de hasta 10% en tarifas de mayores de 65 años. Dependiendo de la categoría de la cabina reservada, el descuento será del 5% (Interior, Vista mar / Vista parcial) o 10% (Balcón, Suite y MSC Yacht club). Además recibirán una fantástica selección de bienvenida (Una botella de champán Moët & Chandon, fresas con chocolate, dos copas MSC de recuerdo y una invitación del capitán a un cóctel exclusivo)
Las familias formadas por dos adultos y dos niños podrán alojarse en dos camarotes con un adulto y un niño en cada uno, y el segundo pasajero de cada camarote tendrá un 30% de Descuento. Las familias monoparentales formadas por un adulto y uno o dos niños viajaran juntos en un camarote, obteniendo el primer niño menor de 18 años un descuento del 15% y el segundo niño (cuando corresponda) pagará la tarifa vigente de niños.
Travel Time BV
1. Sustainability Management & Legal compliance
Travel Time BV commits to sustainability management by;
● Having an employee appointed who is responsible for sustainability coordinator tasks;
● Having a sustainability mission statement that is communicated to customers, partners and suppliers;
● Having an accessible and written sustainability policy that aims for a reduction of the negative social, cultural, economic and environmental impacts of the company’s activities; and includes employee related health and safety aspects;
● Collaborating and actively being involved in external forums and working groups which are supportive to sustainability in tourism;
● Having a sustainability action plan with clear targets, actions, measures, responsibilities and time planning;
● Ensuring that all staff are fully aware of our Sustainability Policy and are committed to implementing and improving it. TravelTime BV commits to complying with all national legislation, regulations and codes of practice.
2. Internal management: social policy & human rights
Travel Time BV commits to sustainable internal management by having clear written and well-communicated social policy by;
● Granting employees the freedom of employment and contract termination with advance notice (ideally minimum one month) and without penalty
● Including labor conditions according to national labor law and a job description in the employment contract;
● Mentioning the wage rate in the contract which is equal to or above the national legal wage;
● Providing medical and liability insurance according to the national law;
● Granting employees fixed paid yearly holiday and sick leave and unpaid annual leave allowance;
● Having health and safety policies for employees which complies to national legal standards;
● Having first aid sets and trained staff available at all relevant locations;
● Obeying to national concerning Minimum Age for Admission to Employment;
● Having documented effective procedures in place for employees to voice out their complaints and expectations;
● Having a clear disciplinary procedure that is effectively communicated to employees;
● Creating opportunities for students that participate in traineeship/internship and apprenticeship;
● Encouraging employment opportunities for persons with special needs;
TravelTime BV commits to practice human rights by;
● Declaring not to hinder trade union membership, collective labor negotiations and representation of members by trade unions;
● Participating and complying with (sector wide) collective labor condition negotiation structures (if locally existing)
● Prohibiting discriminations, regarding recruitment, conditions of employment, access to training and senior positions, or promotion in terms of gender, race, age, disability, ethnicity, religion/beliefs or sexual orientation;
● Ensuring that all employees have an equal chance and access to resources and opportunities for personal development through regular training, education.
3. Internal management: environment and community relations
Travel Time BV commits to environment and community relations by;
● Actively reducing the use of disposable and consumer goods;
● Favoring the purchase of sustainable goods and services
● Purchasing products in bulk, in order to reduce the amount of packaging materials;
● Setting copy and printing machines by default to double-sided printing or other forms of paper saving modes;
● Using cleaning materials which are non-hazardous, non-eutrophic and biodegradable and are certified with an Eco label, if locally available;
● Printing brochures on environmentally friendly paper, with a printing company that works with a certified environmental management system, if locally available at reasonable costs;
● Implementing measurements to reduce brochure wastage or an ’internet only’ policy;
● Having an active commitment to measure, monitor and reduce energy consumption;
● Purchasing green energy and energy efficient lighting for all areas, when available;
● Switching off Lights and equipment when not in use, using automatic switch on/off system with timers or movement sensors and setting equipment by default in the energy saving mode, where feasible;
● Preferring low energy equipment when buying new items, including considerations of cost and quality;
● Having an active policy to reduce water consumption, implemented and monitored on a monthly or yearly basis for benchmark purposes;
● Using sustainable water sourcing, which does not adversely affect environmental flows;
● Installing water saving equipment in toilets, re-use waste water and/or collected rainwater;
● Complying with the national legislation concerning waste disposal;
● Developing and implementing a solid waste reduction and recycling policy, with quantitative goals;
● Taking action to reduce the amount of (non-re-fillable) plastic bottles of drinking water for office use;
● Separating all materials which can be recycled and organize collection and proper disposal;
● Implementing waste reducing methods when using ink and toner cartridges for printing and copying, whenever feasible;
● Recycling or properly disposing batteries;
● Complying with national legislation of wastewater treatment, which should be reused or released safely;
● Minimizing and substituting the use of harmful substances and manage properly the storage, handling and disposal of chemicals;
● Using lead-free and water based paints, both inside and outside, when locally available;
● Implementing practices to minimize pollution from its buildings (as far as being able to be controlled by the company);
● Reducing transport related impacts by tele-work, tele/video meetings, work-at-home policies or other means;
● Maintaining and properly checking motorized company vehicles, to reduce emissions and energy use and make sure they comply with the legal emission standards;
● Complying with land use, zoning and protected or heritage area laws and regulations; when planning, designing, constructing, renovating, operating or demolishing company buildings and infrastructure;
● Sustainably planning, designing and constructing of new buildings or renovations, on locally appropriate and feasible sustainable practices and materials;
● Contributing to the protection and preservation of local historical, archaeological, culturally, and spiritually important properties and sites, and not impede access to them by local residents;
4. Partner agencies based on an inventory of our key partner agencies
Travel Time BV has developed and implemented a policy to improve sustainability of our partner agencies. Our aim is to make sustainable development concrete to each and every partner within our business. Travel Time BV commits to this by;
● Keeping a list of the sustainability practices of partner accommodations and agents;
● Minimizing the ecological footprint of the office by travelling mainly via public transport, working as paperless as possible, separating waste, and to make use of certified recycled paper;
● Informing key partners on the Travelife and national tourism standards;
● Having a cooperation contract including an annex of the national code of conduct for local partners to encourage their practices towards sustainability;
● Informing key partners about the travel companies’ sustainability policy and that they are expected to comply with it and/or communicate it to final customers where relevant;
● Including key sustainability clauses in contracts with inbound/receptive partners;
● Having a written contract with partner agencies;
● Including clauses in the partner contracts that enable contract partners to end the contractual agreement prematurely if the partner company does not take adequate measures to prevent sexual exploitation of children within the direct supply chain;
● Ensuring that partner companies comply with all relevant national laws protecting the rights of employees.
5. Transport & Drivers
Travel Time BV tries to ensure that vehicles used on tours do not cause more than average pollution. We believe that transport is an important aspect of sustainable tourism, and we do our best to decrease the average pollution level. Travel Time BV commits to this by;
● Integrating and/or promoting one or more sustainable holiday products/packages based on a recognized methodology, including sustainable transport, sustainable accommodations, and sustainable activities.
6. Accommodations
Travel Time BV tries to achieve a tourism supply chain that is fully sustainable. The partner accommodations play an important role in achieving this, and are stimulated and motivated to adopt sustainable practices. TravelTime BV commits to this by;
● Ensuring that through our accommodation supply chain, the rights of children are respected and safeguarded by;
-Having a clause throughout the value chain stating a common repudiation and zero tolerance policy of sexual exploitation of children;
-Having a clause dedicated to this aspect in their contract that enables the travel company to end the contractual agreement prematurely if the accommodation supplier does not take adequate measures to prevent sexual exploitation of children;
-Training employees in children’s rights, the prevention of sexual exploitation and how to report suspected cases;
-Supporting, collaborating with, and engaging stakeholders in the prevention of sexual exploitation of children
● Working with accommodations that incorporate elements of local art, architecture, or cultural heritage; while respecting the intellectual property rights of local communities;
● Terminating cooperation with accommodation in case of clear evidence that contracted accommodations jeopardize the provision of integrity of basic services such as food, water, energy, healthcare, or soil to the neighboring companies.
7. Excursions and Activities Companies/Providers
Travel Time BV values animal and community welfare extremely high and aims at tours that only leave a minor footprint. We are safeguarding the authenticity of the communities and the natural environment, and are strongly against harming wildlife and polluting the environment. Travel Time BV commits to this by;
● Advising guests on behavior standards during excursions and activities with a main focus on respecting the local culture, nature, and environment;
● Communicating our sustainability objectives and requirements to contracted and other relevant excursion providers by distributing this information via code of conducts, representative agents, social media, email, discussions, and/or meetings, to minimize negative visitor impact and maximize enjoyment;
● Not offering any excursions that harm humans, animals, plants, natural resources such as water and energy, or which are socially and culturally unacceptable;
● Not offering any excursions in which wildlife is held captive, except for properly regulated activities in compliance with local, national, and international law;
● Not being involved with companies that harvest, consume, display, sell, or trade wildlife species unless it is part of a regulated activity that ensures that their utilization is sustainable and in compliance with local, national, and international law;
● Having skilled and/or certified guides to guide our guests in sensitive cultural sites, heritage sites, or ecologically sensitive destinations;
8. External tour leaders, local representatives and guides
Travel Time BV aims at involving as many locals as possible by employing them in the tourism business. We stand for a fair and safe working environment that supports and respects local communities. Travel Time BV commits to this by;
● Preferring to work with local tour leaders, local representatives, local tour guides, porters, drivers, cooks, and other local staff in case of equal ability, and provide training as required;
● Ensuring that our local partners comply with all applicable international, national, and local laws and regulations, industry minimum standards, and any other relevant statutory requirements whichever requirements are more stringent;
9. Destinations
Travel Time BV commits to a sustainable destination by;
● Complying with legally based spatial planning, protected areas and heritage regulations. Also with destination management strategies of local, regional and national authorities;
● Supporting initiatives that improve the relationships between accommodations and local producers;
● Influence and support local government (when possible, together with other travel companies and stakeholders) concerning sustainability, destination planning and management, use of natural resources and socio-cultural issues;
● Supporting biodiversity conservation, including protected areas and areas of high biodiversity, through financial contribution, political support, and integration in product offers;
● Not promoting souvenirs which contain threatened flora and fauna species as indicated in the CITES treaty and the IUCN ‘Red List’; or historic and archaeological artefacts (except as permitted by law); Chapter
10. Customer communication and protection
Prior to booking, Travel Time BV commits to customer communication and protection by;
● Ensuring that customer privacy will not be compromised;
● Complying with relevant standards and voluntary codes of conduct in marketing and advertising messages, and not promise more than is delivered;
● Making product and price information clear, complete and accurate, with regards to the company and its products and services, including sustainability claims;
● Providing destination information, including sustainability aspects, which is factually correct, balanced and complete;
● Promoting sustainable accommodations, excursions, packages and/or transport options, with logos or other messages; ensuring they are recognizable to consumers and presented as the “better” option.
● Keeping a contact person and a telephone number permanently available for emergency situations.
● Providing customers with information about commercial, sexual or any other form of exploitation and harassment, particularly of children and adolescents.
· After the client’s holiday, TravelTime BV commits to:
- Having clear procedures in case of complaints from clients.